Sunday, 18 January 2009

Blue Monday? hah!

Amazing what little gems you can find on the internet isn't it? BBC News are reporting that tomorrow is the most depressing day of the year.

That figures, I feel very depressed already!

So, a group of Optimists [yes, a group] are determined to do something about it:

The Optimists' Society say they want to reclaim the "most depressing day of the year" as International Optimism Day. This year "Blue Monday" - a date in January regarded as the most depressing day of the year - falls on 19 January. The Society will send cheer packages to celebrities such as Jeremy Paxman, and will host a free comedy show in London.
And good on them for doing so. Besides if anyone can find a way of cheering up Paxman, then they are on to a winner and why didn't they do it years ago.

To keep you happy. Monday will have 2 new videos. The first is a bit of fun with the Dogcam and my regular Cardiff to Bridgend commute, and a nice bit of Deep Purple. The other is something to prove I can film something other than cars, and something I hope you can all relax to - a nice bit of bird watching at a local nature reserve with some relaxing music from Vanessa Mae. Underage Coots are not allowed to watch it though. They'll be on the New Videos Player with any luck sometime tomorrow. [Monday]

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