Over to the left there is, or should be at any rate, a sneak preview of what the new website will look like. There's only one small problem : Now I've got it designed, what do I do with it!?
I know about HTML. That is straight forward enough, but what I'm not sure about is how you take a picture made with photoshop and make it work as a website. This project is going to run a bit I think.
Also as part of the new design you can see the new logo, which shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone. and there's fewer buttons. About Me is going to be a pretty simple profile about yours truely, Services is what I can do for your video production [it occurs to me that I've never actually said on my website what it is I can do or that I'm available to do it!], Portfolio is going to take over the numerous pages with the videos on and hopefully be a lot easier to mainatain, the Blog is not changing, and M&W will be all the stuff me and
Ulrich have done over the last few years. It should be pretty good once it's all worked out and in place. I've got a seperate design for the M&W website so watch this space.

Some production news for you. On BBC 2 (once they've sorted out the digital switchover around here, there will be a programme which I worked on broadcast on the 20th of March (Saturday) at 11:30am called "My Life : Children of Prisoners". I spent a couple of weeks logging rushes for this programme with Boomerang in Cardiff, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing how the finished programme looks after it's all been edited. Oh yes, and it'll be nice to see my name on the end credits for the first time on broadcast! Other productions are currently rather thin on the ground, but there will be a new showreel going up soon once the new music is attached to it, and there's a couple of small test videos in the pipeline once I get a few moments to myself. There may even be some flying with the Air Cadets to show you, meaning that once again my DogCam gets called into action. Aviating Dogcams... whodathunkit?
And of course there will be some motorsport filmed this year, that's inevitable. I'm keen to hone my skills of filming on board cars and tracking. Prehaps I can use the Peugeot for that? Hmm...
Motorsport diary wise, it's a busy year for me and my orange romper suit. All kicks off later this month at Pembrey, then I spend my Birthday at Gurston Down hillclimb. Both Goodwoods are on the menu too, which is great, and I've even got a date at Donington. That is, if it's all been put back together after lots of well documented problems this year.
As Ever, Watch this space...