Thursday, 31 December 2009
Originally intended for facebook
Monday, 7 December 2009
Wonder why it did that...
Stopped off in a radio studio earlier and managed to avoid getting on the air myself, but it's something that I may be doing more of in the near future, particularly with the addition of a couple of cameras to the studio
I've actually been in Cardiff today in a production office logging rushes, after 45hours of working in a supermarket, it's a relief to be back doing a proper job, albeit for no money! I feel as if I've got two jobs at the moment, One I like but doesn't pay me, the other I hate but it does pay me... the conundrum is that I can't get rid of the one I hate. I know I haven't actually told you where my unpaid work is yet: All in good time though.
A fantastic Christmas present would be something a little bit more permanent though.
So, sorry for the confusion earlier. Carry on!
Temporary (I hope) problem.
Will also do a proper post later on today.
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Transmissions will resume
I certainly can't tell you that my part time job in Sainsbury's is driving everyone mad because of a refit at the store, but I think I probably can get away with telling you that the shop is shut this week. Not that that makes any difference to working there. Apparently though, I can't tell you about the brand new ******* or even the new ******** because if I do, this post will probably be censored.
But I can tell you that the work's very hard, it's very pressurised, and that now my knee has packed up completely, so when dressed in a leather jacket, according to mum I walk and look rather like Herr Flick of the Gestapo.
Don't ask.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
My life has gone crazy.
Setting that up, then also add a remembrance Sunday parade to sort out radios for, attempt to do something on the subject of air cadet motorsport, find myself making 3D models of aircraft hangers on a whim (maybe it'll come in useful? I still want one of those hangers!) and try and keep my Grandfather mobile.
And I still find time to get to see a bit of Ice Hockey (first game in 3 years!). Devils were on top form last Sunday, although Belfast had the audacity to turn up 2 hours late then take the first goal!
Also, I've been thinking of experimenting with 3D... suggestions for subjects please.
Anyway, life is now crazy. Help!
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
New projects, New Directions?
So, Having been to a roadshow with the BBC's commissioning editor speaking, I am now working on 2 new documentary style programmes and updating R.S.T-UK with a new look and title. That's the idea anyway, hopefully someone will like them!
It occurs to me that I've never actually put any services that I can offer on this site. Prehaps it's time that I did!
Incidentally for any Motorsport website editors or broadcasters reading this, I have worked out how much it costs to offer a video news reporting service from all the rounds of the WRC to include interviews from mid day service, the end of day press conference, coverage of the ceremonial starts and finish, and anything else I can point a camera at.
We can dream, can't we?
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Rally GB Preview - Part 3
The Ones to watch
It's all about Hirvonen in his Ford Focus, and Loeb in his Citroen. With only a point between the two drivers, whoever finishes first out of the pair will lift the championship – Hirvonen's first, and Loeb's 6th in succession. Technically the conditions and surface should favour Hirvonen, but Loeb seems to be good on any surface and in any condition!Out to spoil the party is Petter Solberg in his new Citroen C4. Similar to, but not as advanced as Loeb's, the new car is being run with the assistance of Citroen's junior team, for whom he's been nominated to score points. He knows the roads well, as does his co-driver, Phil Mills, and has won the event 3 times in the past (although once by default). Petter Solberg is determined to show the world he still has what it takes to compete at the highest level of the sport, and could well be seen in a works seat next year.
Other drivers hoping for a good luck are Matthew Wilson, the spoilt brat son of Ford boss Malcolm Wilson driving for the Stobart Satellite team looking for a good result on his home event. Henning Solberg is trying to upstage his brother, and the Ford and Citroen number two drivers will almost certainly be locked in their own private battle – or called upon to delay either Hirvonen or Loeb, if the need arises – although the manufacturer's title has already been decided (Citroen took it in Spain)
Cruel and unusual obstacles
Well, they don't get more unusual than the lake in Walter's Arena, complete with waiting frogmen to fish out the drivers! but the biggest obstacles are the trees, and occasionally particularly big rocks hidden in the gravel and dragged out by preceding cars. The narrow stages can also be cancelled by big accidents that block them fairly easily. The other likely problem is the weather. This week, the rain has been heavy, and is currently light. If it's wet, it'll be very wet, if it's dry we're in for a extremely fast event – followed by a huge accident.The Natives
Spectators on Rally GB's of recent history seem to enjoy a good moan about how they're not allowed to stand in the middle of the stage to get photos, and are restricted to designated spectator areas. These areas were brought in on the insistence of the FIA, and the organisers made sure that the rules were followed (to a point, it's still possible to spectate outside of them provided you stay safe). Typically, pretty much no where else on the WRC calendar took them seriously! There are also quite a few rose tinted spectacled visitors and others who will gladly tell you that the event was better when it took a week to go around the country. They're best ignored really, and take great pleasure from trying to ruin the event for everyone else.Other than that, if you value your eardrums, avoid anyone with a Norweigan Flag.
Essential Spectator Advice
Earplugs. And warm clothes. It's freezing in those forests at this time of year!Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Rally GB - Preview Part 2
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Rally GB - Preview Part 1
WRC … Showdown in the Valleys : Part 1
The story so far...
The rallies
Cars, Cameras, and plans
Saturday, 10 October 2009
This week...
It's a HD Panasonic camera (with a selection of lenses), and it's by far the largest camera I've worked with yet. I love the chance to get my hands on something new, and given enough fiddling time can usually get it going well enough to get some pretty good results. In case you're wondering, it's mounted on a dolly, which is great for tracking shots because you don't have to carry the thing (it's heavy!)
Today I've been wrestling that camera around Newport on a bus trying not to drop it. It is phenominally expensive!
I'll explain more later... Now is the time for sleeping.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Why give up now?
For some daft reason I've got lots of work on the go, and not being paid for any of it! I got chatting to a camera man last night [at a radio concert ??] and he basically confirmed that yes, there's plenty of companies doing things out there... and no, they're not taking on.
Add to that applying for a placement that I knew that I could do, but being turned down for not having the right degree. I've never even heard of a BA in Interactive Digital Media, so good luck to that company if they're trying to get someone with one of those to do high definition web based videos for them : Something I've been doing for ages.
Anyway, got back from the concert, which was fantastic, as usual and well worth a listen when it comes onto BBC Radio 3, and sulked for a bit. Wondered what my next move was... considered giving up on television and video altogether. Watched a few silly videos on youtube (Alex Budovsky's animations are great if you're in need of a giggle, look them up), then realised that I needed to prepare a video for the Cadets tonight. So fired up Final Cut, and found the autotesting video that was part of RST. Set to work, and by the end of it all (01:30 this morning) wondered why I ever considered giving up something that I do enjoy, paid or not, and today I'm working on some new treatments to send off. Hopefully one of them will turn up trumps. Onwards!
Quick question for any Mac Users reading this... Has your browser started acting funny? I think the latest version of Flash is causing some problems with it, as whenever I visit a site using flash (or try to upload something), it crashes on me. I thought it was just a safari problem, but firefox is also doing the same thing. Is it just me?
Sunday, 4 October 2009
What Broadcast partners? I haven't seen the air race on any UK station all year. It used to have a terrible programme on Channel 4 (well, I say terrible, but in fact very good for a commercial station). And that wasn't live. If you want a decent programme first get the BBC interested then M&W productions will be happy to produce live coverage for you for broadcast in the UK, at a competitive price too.
You were building up the live stream on Youtube, on your own website, on the pilots websites, and you go and stick the knife in the back by suddenly announcing the lack of UK coverage hours or so before.
If you don't care about the UK, I would suggest you don't bother coming back.
Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Unemployed... and busy?!
At least no one can accuse me of being lazy...
oh yes, and if you look down on the right, you can see that I'm experimenting with Twitter, I have so far gained 6 Followers. I did note that some Twits(?) have a tendency of advertising, so they got blocked very quickly... the current 6 I haven't sorted through yet... there would appear to be a F1 Magazine, the BBC News Magazine (!!), a racing driver who was at Goodwood (Hello to you, if you're reading this, hope you enjoyed the event!) and a couple of others.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Also available in print
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
(Spitfire IX + P51D Mustang) + Motorcycles = ?
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Information gained.
Solving a mystery
This may surprise you, but I've always liked aircraft as much as I've liked cars. I'm also quite fond of boats as well [why do you think I have a kayak?] This is one of the factors that influenced my decision to become involved with the air cadets. Anyway, since I am also now the radio officer with my local squadron, I thought it would be rather nice if I could find some radio call signs from civil aircraft in the area, show the kids real radio use in action, that sort of thing.
I have received an email and some pictures from Duncan McDonald at Veritair concerning their simulator initially assumed to be G-USTA ..It appears this is partly correct however on examination of the pictures below it appears to be 2 frames merged together ..the silver and black bits are definately from G-USTAquestion is can anyone identify the rest of the machine please.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Back online!
Monday, 14 September 2009
With any luck...
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Still alive
Friday, 17 July 2009
Domain name problems...
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Bye Bye Lampeter.
I'm typing this in my halls room on the hill overlooking the campus. It's pretty basic, but never mind that. This is my first experience of living on campus - previously I've lived at home - and I've really enjoyed it.
I've also found out a few things about myself, that'll be useful, and have now got 3 assignments to get done during my 3 weeks at a production house in Sunny Cardiff [you'll have to guess which one]
Things are, in other words, looking up.
But first, time to get home. I wonder if there's a letter from BARC inviting me to somewhere nice and hot?
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Temporary Glitch
The problem is that not only has my main domain name apparently now succumbed to the cancellation, but neither does the other url I have for it work!
I won't be able to sort much out from here, so I'm afraid that if you're reading this, I'm sorry but getting at the main site is going to be rather tricky for a bit.
Unless you've got here via the main site, in which case, this could be complete rubbish!
Update : Site is still accessable via this link :
Will be negotiating a new domain name very soon.
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Project Management Wales 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Warning to reality TV show contestants
A Leicestershire 73-year-old who wowed audiences by breakdancing on Britain's Got Talent has had his benefit stopped.
Fred Bowers said the allowance he received for a leg injury has been suspended while the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) investigates.
the moral of the story is that if you're doing something that you shouldn't in front of a diverse audience, don't be surprised if someone, somewhere has some kind of objection.
Monday, 15 June 2009
What an interesting weekend!
Monday, 8 June 2009
Busy times ahead
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Mobile Phone Wars, part the second.
message:How can I find out when my contract is due to end? I would like to know the date when I can cancel the direct debits and make new arrangements.
Many thanks
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for you recent email, I have checked your details and can see that we can offer you some excellent offers.
I am working monday to friday 11am till 7.30pm so if you want to email back a convenient time to call you to discuss further.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards
Ivan Iqueo'six
Pinky Mobile
Where exactly did I mention I was interested in any of their offers? Which I'm not. I want a phone with skype on and Pinky mobile don't sell one. There isn't a date on the contract, but if I'm right, then it runs out either this Friday, or next month, which means I'm either about to be cut off, or I've got another month to put up with this bunch of clowns.
Monday, 11 May 2009
I want... Information.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Yes, I'm still alive.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
This is a bad sign
Friday, 20 March 2009
Ahh... drat!
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Race Sport Track now on-line
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Testing a new concept
So I uploaded my showreel and a few other videos to it to see if I can get them to load quicker... I'd appreciate your feed back on it too.
So either visit or with any luck, use the player below.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Which one? I'm not telling you yet!
Anyway, the nasty surprise. Dropouts. Lots of them, getting steadily worse. Starting at about 40 minutes in. The problem was with the recording, due to dirt on the heads, we think, and is totally unrecoverable. I can't even understand the interview to transcribe it. It's a crying shame.
And the cause of this? Wierdly it's the brand of tape that I use. I have been using TDK tapes in the Z1s, and only since then have I had problems. Strangely enough the little JVC palmcorder runs the TDKs with no problems at all. It's all down to the lubrication the tape manufactuers use, or more accurately, the mixing of different lubricants from different manufactuers resulting in a sticky gunk all over the record heads. Apparently Uni have been aware of this for about a year - not that anyone thought to make a notice to us about it - and with a certain electronics supplier selling 10 packs of TDK on offer recently, the problem is now more frequent than before.
In the meantime, I now have to find a way of getting a 6 minute feature from what I've got left.
p.s. If anyone knows anyone who can lend me a motorcycle/motor racing driver's crash helmet for a couple of days to do a film shoot, please send them my way. It's not essential but it would be nice! Thanks in advance.
Friday, 27 February 2009
Down by Murphy's law.
First, I forgot my memory key - I realised it was missing just as I got to Culverhouse cross outside Cardiff. This would not normally be a problem, but it had the news title sequence for the day's live broadcast on it
Hurried phone calls and 2 train trips later and I've got it back again. and arrive back in uni to be told that I need not have bothered making the trip - and indeed Ulrich's talents in composing the music were in vain. Someone else had already made a title sting. Marvellous!
I'll put the one which I made up online so you can see it. it's only 15 seconds long, but I like it!
The one highlight of the day was running the small insert studio for a live news feed. This sounds simple, but all the VT inserts were being played in from another studio in a different part of the building - and worse, I couldn't see or hear them! It took a lot of communication and lots of saying "Cue" to make sure the presenter got his lines in on time. That went really well.
Unfortunately the communication flew away for the last section - I had no idea where on the script we were because I couldn't hear or see the program, no one told me anything - untill about 10 seconds before I had to do it. The resulting effect was that the presenter was thrown into the "newsroom" which suddenly came alive, and then he found his voice! For a first attempt, not bad, but a lot of work needs doing.
I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Monday, 23 February 2009
This is a bit of a problem when you've got a plan to make a TV show in a studio, and, err 2 people.
Whilst I have to use current students to actually do the technical bits, which whittles down the options somewhat, the choice of presenter is a bit freer. So If you're in the Cardiff area, don't mind doing work for absolutely nothing but experience, and you want to be, or are, a TV presenter, preferably with an interest in British Motorsport, please get in touch!
I can't give too many details about the program away. Well more accurately I won't give too many details away. It's mine, and I'd like to keep it that way, so I'll use my favourite phrase.
Watch this space.
Friday, 13 February 2009
Transmission Break
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
The results of the Time Lapse Experiment.
I think with hindsight, The concept of timelapse is sound, but could do with a bit more work - for a start making sure the computer doesn't shut off [hence why there's a big of a jump in time]. Rather more alarming, the car moves after it's been parked. I didn't move it, so why did it move... somewhat unnerving.
I had thought about getting the dogcam out for a snowy drive, but all the snow has gone now, so I can't.
Tuesday was the most snow we've had for some time, certainly. you've probably seen it on the news, and if you're one of my European based friends, had a good laugh at how pathetic we Brits are when it comes to snow. It was probably the daftest thing I've ever done, but I chose to go into uni for my weekly Studio session. Well one of them anyway. I do enjoy these sessions. Studio work up till now has definately been lacking from my life - and I seem to be settling into two distinct roles. Sound mixing and floor managing [haven't done vision mixing yet though].
We'd got the set and lighting planned, the script was being written, and then Andy our lecturer walks in and explains it's snowing quite heavily, so if any of us had to go any great distance, it might be an idea to go now.
I call home, and yes, it's snowing quite heavily. Best to head back then.
30 minutes after I left, Uni was closed, so I missed nothing. about 5 minutes before I arrived back [surviving a slightly slippery moment on a nearby roundabout] It stopped snowing completely, and about 10 minutes afterwards me and Dad went for a lovely walk in the sunshine. I even had my sunglasses out!
They do say there'll be more snow on Thursday. I'm not missing Friday's studio session for anything! Last week we had a mock Police news conference. Which went from our technical view, very well indeed. Well other than one of hte 2 radio boom microphones dying on us, and the talkback system failing. The Journos also enjoyed it. finding holes in the police students stories, picking at them, hammering wedges into them, then going for the kill. I don't have any video to show you, but suffice to say my music technology degree is working wonders. People listen to me when I say what needs to happen on the sound. Joy.
Oh yes, and I'm still blanking out those number plates.
Monday, 2 February 2009
Crikey! Snow!
In case you're wondering, I'm still editing all those number plates from last week! And I've had a press conference in the TV studio at Uni, which went well. I also appear to have found that sound mixing and floor managing are roles that seem to suit me. Wonder why.
The results of the time lapse will follow.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
click here to see it
Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Monday, 19 January 2009
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Blue Monday? hah!
So, a group of Optimists [yes, a group] are determined to do something about it:
The Optimists' Society say they want to reclaim the "most depressing day of the year" as International Optimism Day. This year "Blue Monday" - a date in January regarded as the most depressing day of the year - falls on 19 January. The Society will send cheer packages to celebrities such as Jeremy Paxman, and will host a free comedy show in London.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Site update
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Interesting, but worrying news.
Mr Davies [MP for Blaenau Gwent] said: "We have seen a haemorrhaging of media jobs at ITV Wales, at Trinity Mirror, with Northcliffe papers, in commercial radio.
"Wales is becoming a media wasteland in which only the publicly subsidised BBC and S4C seem secure. This is very, very worrying for democracy.
It's interesting that the article also says that BBC Wales is in a program of job cuts, especially when I have a job application form for a job at the BBC in Wales on my desk in front of me! Still, I get the feeling that it's going to get even harder to get a job in an industry where it was already hard to get a job. Interesting times indeed.